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Alright people, do to me changing my likes and dislikes in characters, this site will be a Goten site. Sorry to all the Videl fans I have let down, but Videl is... not important to me anymore. Now I like Goten and Pan. You can read on throughout my new website and see why I like them. Oh yeah, can you guys start signing my guestbook? Or at least e-mail me? I like to here comments or questions from you guys. Feel free to do either. |
8/22/01 Built this site.
9/05/01 Added Polls, and a Quiz to the Fun Stuff Page.
10/04/01 Updated this site to be Goten and Pan.
Why Goten and Pan? (NOT COUPLE!!)
Okay, first let's talk Goten. He's cute, funny, and not to mention... stupid. But, he's always being ignored. Always overshadowed by Gohan and Trunks. He has potential to become the strongest fighter, at age 7 he could become Super Saiya-jin. Read in the info section for more info. Now, let's get Pan in this paragraph. She's probably the only girl to start fighting and keep at it in the whole show. Let's take Juuhachigou, she began fighting, but quit. Same for ChiChi. And Videl. And Bulma. Pan is also ignored in DBZ, but not in GT, but hey, GT doesn't count, does it? Well, get out of here. |
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